Important Information
1. Joining Parent Support Group
A warm welcome to the Yuan Ching Family!
We would like to invite you to join our Yuan Ching Secondary School Parents Support Group. If you are keen, please click on the following link or scan the QR code to complete the registration form.
Link to Parent Support Group (PSG) Registration Form

2. Parents Gateway (PG) App
The Parents Gateway (PG) is one of the main modes of communication the school uses to update parents on information about upcoming school activities, including seeking of consent for their child’s participation in organized events. Parents are encouraged to give their consent via the PG app. You can download your app through Apple App Store or Google Play Store to enjoy these features and receive regular updates of school events.
For more information on using Parents Gateway Mobile Application:
Parents Gateway
3. School Hours (For Sec 1)
Day |
School Hours |
Monday |
7.30am - 2.35pm |
Tuesday |
7.30am - 2.35pm |
Wednesday |
8.30am - 2.35pm |
Thursday |
7.30am - 2.35pm |
Friday |
7.30am - 12.20pm |
CCA and enrichment programmes are conducted after school hours.
The school hours are subjected to changes.
CCA and enrichment programmes are conducted after school hours.
On the first day of school, Thursday, 2 Jan 2025, Sec 1 students will report in school uniform by 8:20AM.
4. School / Miscellaneous Fees
Non-Malay SC Pupils |
Malay SC Pupils |
Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs)# |
International Students (ASEAN)* |
International Students (NON-ASEAN)# |
School Standard Fees |
$5 |
$0 |
$620 |
$1030 |
$2050 |
Misc Fee |
$20* |
$20* |
$20 |
$21.80 |
$21.80 |
Total |
$25 |
$20 |
$640 |
$1051.80 |
$2071.80 |
Mode: Cash / Cheque / GIRO / SAM Machine
*Singaporean students can pay the miscellaneous fees ($20.00 per month)
by using their Edusave Account.
#Current rates subject to changes by MOE.
5. General Rules for School
i. Attire
• Students are to wear the prescribed school
uniform and modification to the uniform is strictly not allowed.
• School uniform and socks must be made by the appointed school tailor.
Pants and skirts must not be too tight-fitting. Skirts must not be more
than 2-finger spacing above the knees. Socks must cover the ankle when
worn and the letters ‘YCSS’ must be visible.
• Shoes must be plain white with white shoe laces.
ii. Appearance
• Hairstyle must be conservative and
not outlandish.
• Hair colour must be natural. Any shade of colouring of hair (highlighting/dyes)
is strictly not allowed.
• Hair for boys must be short, simple, neat and natural (no perming).
• Girls with long hair that falls below collar must tie their hair neatly
and firmly with plain hair band/ribbons/clips. The fringe must not fall
below the eyebrows.
• Fingernails must be kept short and neat. Nail polish is not allowed.
• Only girls are allowed to wear one pair of identical ear studs on the
ear lobes. Ear studs must be small, plain, metallic and without precious
stones. Multiple piercings or earrings are not allowed.
• Spectacles must be plain, non-tinted and not flashy. Contact lenses
must not be coloured.
• Accessories of any kind (e.g. ring, chain, bracelet) are not allowed
to be worn with the school uniform.
• Religious items (e.g. religious amulets) if worn, must be hidden from
iii. Policy on the use of Mobile Phone in school
Mobile phones are to be switched off and kept out of sight during curriculum
time/ remedial/CCAs.
• Mobile phones are allowed to be used only in the canteen after school/remedial/CCAs.
• Students are to refrain from using the camera function, playing music
from the speaker and charging their mobile phone in school.
• Consequences of non-adherence include:
-Mobile phone will be confiscated (including SIM card) for one week.
• Abuse of technology will be dealt with seriously.
For frequently asked questions, please proceed to FAQs